Friday, January 18, 2008

Earth Geek Fact Of The Month

The slant of the earth tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, produces our seasons.
Scientists tell us that if the earth had not been tilted exactly as is, vapors from the oceans would move both north and south, piling up continents of ice.

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Wisconsin winters don't sound that bad anymore.

Debating creation vs evolution isn't a pony that I usually saddle up and ride, so I won't...but it makes you think, doesn't it?


You know how on movies they have this soundtrack playing? Wouldn't it be great if you could hand-pick some songs to be on a soundtrack for your life?

Think about this...

You're sitting on the couch with your girl...she gives you a give her the look and all of a sudden some Barry White starts playing out of nowhere.

Or if you're sitting at the bar having a beer having your monthly "my life sucks" pity party...then there it is, some country song about how everything sucks starts playing as you slowly lift your head and a lone tear falls into your beer.

The possibilities are endless. Maybe I should try to patent this idea and try to sell it to Apple. They could sell speaker implants that could be surgically inserted into your arm pits. You could plug your IPod right in.

Move over IPhone...Make room for ISoundtrack.